Friday, October 5, 2012

Pumpkin season has arrived

 How true! Recipes are endless for everything from pumpkin burgers to pumpkin martinis. For those parents of small children, the martini might sound intriguing but not practical. But that doesn't mean they can't enjoy pumpkins. They'll see them everywhere, and they aren't dumb - they know if pumpkins are at the store then that means they can have one. So bring it on - let them have fun and keep it un-scary. Parents wonder why kids have nightmares and it's because they are exposed to some scary stuff. So make Halloween more fun.
 Poster paint is cheap - let the kids loose with some and they'll learn that fun can be created. It doesn't always have to be in the form of a toy. Cheap entertainment.
 For the more creative, and perhaps a little older, kids - let them put lights inside. Healthier than carving a scene from a massacre or a drunk pumpkin tossing it's seeds...
 No knives necessary here. Just paint and a trip to a thrift shop or dollar store.
 Outer space pumpkins are cute and unique.
For the Dad or other adult that just can't keep from "helping" - give them their own pumpkin and let them go at it and make something the kids will recognize. Whatever you choose - either try to keep it non-violent or don't complain when they pick a fight on the playground!

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