Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Freedom of Speech violation

The movie 2016 is out but not being advertised, announced, or promoted. I remember when Michael Moore made a movie slamming Bush - and that was advertised. What is wrong with this picture? 2016 Trailer link: It doesn't matter what party you are affiliated with - it's called freedom of speech and this is just a longer commercial. If we were bombarded with commercials during the Olympics - why is this movie not getting the same exposure?
CBS News:
" To watch this movie and realize – or simply be reminded of – all that is unknown about President Obama is of concern. Much of the information has been ignored by the American media totally. When appropriately reminded as to what is still unknown about Obama to date, one has to ask: How can any logical-thinking person give a damn about Romney’s taxes while not asking any questions regarding our current president’s past?
The man influences the entire globe, but liberal Americans want to know how much Mitt Romney paid in taxes in the past rather than learn about the man who they have entrusted with the country. Unbelievable. "

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