Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back to school ?!?!

How does the weatherman expect us to think about getting school
supplies and allowing an extra 15 minutes commute to work, all due
to school re-opening in another week, when it's 98 degrees outside?
As a retired educator, I used to say 'Great, they're always quieter
when it's hot out!'. (True fact. Just like pets!) But now, as person
who goes through ink cartridges like crazy, I say, 'Let's hear it for
school supply price wars!' For those who are/were fans of the week
in August that meant no sales tax on school supplies, which was
expanded in 2005 to include hurricane supplies (after 3 hits in 2004),
but canceled altogether in 2009, only to be brought back from the
dead in 2010 - well, it's a condensed version. It's a week-end, not a
week. August 13 - 15. And it's at the end of the first week of school.
This year, it's no tax on clothing and shoes, that cost up to $50,
books that cost less than $50, and school supplies that sell for under
$10. I am grateful for my Photosmart that takes cartridges that cost
$9.99 each!! Now if it would just cool down a few degrees..........

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